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Roles & Contributions
Team Lead
Lead Game Designer
Lead Narrative Designer
Lead Concept Artist
For Cancer Crusher, I contributed to this project by coordinating the team, designing the core gameplay mechanics, crafting an engaging narrative that integrated educational elements about cancer, creating dynamic and challenging levels, and developing visual concepts that shaped the game's overall style and direction.
Cancer Crusher
Project Brief
For this project, we were tasked by the client, LoveYourNuts, to create a game designed to raise awareness and educate players about cancer.
Crush the Cancer within in this 2D Fixed shooter as you battle waves of harmful invaders playing as white blood cells. Shoot, dodge, and power up while answering cancer-based questions to gain ammo, blending fast-paced action with life-saving education. Kill the level boss in order to progress deeper into the cancer ahead in this Cancer Crusher.
Important Links
Resources used
Game Engine
Unity 5
JetBrains Rider
Programming Languages
Art Editor
Sound Creator
Process Work
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